November 19-January 27

Artist Bio: 
Karen Urbanek—mother of Lukas Urbanek ‘26—has been working in glass for the last 10 years. She is drawn to the endless possibilities that can be achieved with this material. Her home studio is in Portola Valley, CA.

Artist Statement:
I begin each piece or series by finding inspiration in nature or the world around me... anything that has an interesting or pleasing pattern, texture, or color palette. I take photos, sketch, plan, and experiment on a small scale, trying to capture these elements in glass. When I am happy with the direction of my research, I begin work on a larger scale. Each piece is fired multiple times in the kiln as I add design elements and eventually slump or mold the glass to create a three-dimensional form.

I often find myself at odds with glass, which, after being fired at high temperatures, becomes hard, smooth, and shiny. My goal is the opposite: to create glass objects that are more organic, softer, or textured in design. I appreciate both the active and inactive aspects of kiln-formed glass. For much of the process, I am an active participant in design and creation. But I must eventually surrender the glass to the kiln, and let heat, gravity and time do its work

Woodside Priory School

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